Dirty Hoes Gardening

Dirty Hoes Gardening

Welcome to our mischievous world of gardening with Dirty Hoes! Dig into a world where plants get down and dirty, and vegetables play hard to get. Our featured recipe posts are like juicy gossip columns for your garden, spilling the beans on the health benefits of each veggie or fruit, their prime time for picking in Podunk USA, and serving up tantalizing recipes that will make your taste buds dance.

We invite you to join us in this garden party, where we carrot about your success and will encourage you to plant the seeds of happiness and health. Lettuce guide you on your green-thumb adventure, providing you with all the tips and tricks you need to cultivate a radishing garden.

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Dandelion Recipe

Dandelion Recipes

Dandelion Recipes and Their Benefits Make the most out of those relentless weeds, with these dandelion recipes. Dandelions are a productive herb that also offers health benefits that are almost too good to be true. They can detox your liver, help with weight loss (by making other foods taste better), aid digestion, and pack a […]

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Recipes for Strawberries

Strawberry Season: Strawberries Everywhere

Strawberry Season Has Arrived Learn about the health benefits of homegrown strawberries over store bought, how to grow your own strawberries, strawberry storage options, and some of our favorite strawberry recipes. Health Benefits of Strawberries Strawberry nutrition ranks pretty high, as strawberries contain tons of vitamin C. Strawberries also contain vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin

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Rhubarb Season


Rhubarb Benefits Rhubarb has been used as a traditional medicine for over 2,000 years. Historically, rhubarb consumption is used to treat constipation, inflammation, viral infections, diabetes, and tumors. The main pharmacological ingredient is emodin, and the main source of consumption of it is from eating rhubarb. The roots and rhizomes of rhubarb contain about 2.31 mg/g of

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