Choose Your Podunk Living Lifestyle:

Roadkill Cafe Recipes:
- Beef Lumpia Recipe
- Best Ground Venison Salisbury Steak Recipe
- Best Hunter’s Pie (Venison Shepherd’s Pie)
- Delicious Pheasant Recipes: Your Ultimate Guide to Gourmet Game Cooking
- Ground Venison Recipes
- Loaded Breakfast Skillet Recipe
- Pheasant Soup
- Pheasant Tacos
- Roasted Pheasant
- The Ultimate Hunting Checklist: Procrastination Prevention for Your Next Hunt
- Venison Breakfast Sausage Recipe
- Venison Burger Recipe (for the BEST Deer Burgers)
- Venison Cheeseburger Macaroni: A Backwoods Delight
- Venison Chili
- Venison Gravy
- Venison Pot Pie
- Venison Roast Recipe
- Venison Sloppy Joes
- Venison Soup Recipe with Broth
- Venison Stew Recipe: A Midwestern Wild Game Masterpiece
- Venison Stroganoff Recipe
- Venison Tacos: A Deer (ly) Delight
- Venison Tater Tot Casserole
Brewski University Recipes:
- Best Cranberry Wine Recipe
- Best Dandelion Wine Recipe: Podunk’s Liquid Sunshine
- Blackberry Moonshine
- Cherry Moonshine Recipe
- Dandelion Root Coffee: Your Podunk Brew for a Healthier You
- How to Make Wine at Home: The Ultimate Guide to Homemade Moonshine from Fruit!
- Mulberry Wine
- Peach Brandy Recipe Magic: A Podunk Guide to Mastering Moonshine
- Pear Wine
- Pumpkin Pie Moonshine Recipe
- Raspberry Wine
- Rhubarb Wine Recipe
- Strawberry Moonshine
- Tomato Wine Recipe
- Watermelon Moonshine Recipe
Canning It Recipes:
- Blackberry Syrup
- Canned Corn
- Canned Pears
- Canning for Beginners: A Down-Home Guide to Preserving Your Harvest
- Dandelion Jelly Recipe
- How to Make Maple Syrup: A Podunk Guide to Homemade Sweetness
- Peach Syrup Recipe: A Podunk Peachy Keen Delight
- Rhubarb Jam Recipe
- Strawberry Jam Recipe
- Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
- The Ultimate Raspberry Syrup Recipe: Taming Your Backyard Bullies
- Venison Soup Recipe with Broth
Dirty Hoes Gardening Posts:
- 11 Tips to Preserve Your Pears after Harvest
- 23 Organic Foods Covered in Pesticides That You Can Easily Grow at Home
- Dandelion Recipes: From Pesky Weed to Podunk Delicacy
- Dirt Cheap Eats: 7 Steps to Your Garden Plot Revolution
- Garden Tools for the Frugal Homesteader
- Peach Recipes: A Podunk Roundup of Delicious Ideas
- Pear Recipes for Pears Season
- Rhubarb
- Strawberry Season: Your Ultimate Guide to Growing Nature’s Candy (Strawberries!)
- The Surprising Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Gardening
Rednecks with Paychecks Posts:
- 8 Reasons to Keep Barn Cats, and How to Care for Them
- Best Outdoor Firewood Storage Rack Ideas
- Building a Mudroom Bench
- DIY Heated Garage Floor (Hydronic Floor Heat)
- DIY Large Chicken Coop: A Redneck’s Guide to Poultry Palaces and Backyard Coops
- DIY Powder Room Remodel: Farmhouse Powder Room
- Goat House
- Old House DIY Renovations: Garage and Mudroom Breezeway Addition
- Old Kitchen Renovation: Our DIY Kitchen Remodel
- Stone Basement Repair and Waterproofing
- The Ultimate Home Maintenance Checklist
Getting Baked Recipes:
- Beef Lumpia Recipe
- Best Ground Venison Salisbury Steak Recipe
- Best Hunter’s Pie (Venison Shepherd’s Pie)
- Blackberry Cookies
- Corn Cookies
- Fried Dandelions Recipe: Turn Backyard Weeds Into Crispy Dandelion Delights!
- Peach Cookies
- Pear Cookies
- Pear Muffins
- Rhubarb Coffee Cake
- Rhubarb Muffins
- Strawberry Cookie
- Strawberry Muffin Recipe
- Venison Chili
- Venison Gravy
- Venison Pot Pie
- Venison Roast Recipe
- Venison Tater Tot Casserole
All Recent Posts:
- Canning for Beginners: A Down-Home Guide to Preserving Your HarvestIf you’re looking to dip your toes into the world of canning for beginners, you’ve come to the right place, friend. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Canning? Like what my grandma used to do?” Well, we’re bringing it back, Podunk style! Canning for Beginners: Preserving the Flavors of Podunk Last summer, my garden decided to go absolutely bonkers. I’m talking tomatoes the size of softballs and cucumbers that could double as baseball bats. Now, I love a good veggie as much as the next fella, but even I couldn’t keep up with Mother Nature’s bounty. That’s when my… Read more: Canning for Beginners: A Down-Home Guide to Preserving Your Harvest
- Peach Recipes: A Podunk Roundup of Delicious IdeasWell, squeeze my cheeks and call me sweet! It’s peach season, and you know what that means—time to dive into some juicy recipes that’ll make you drool so much, you’ll need a lifeguard in your kitchen. Now, I ain’t no fancy chef, but I reckon I know my way around a peach pit or two. If you’re looking to grow your own peachy goodness, check out my Dirt Cheap Eats guide – because nothing beats picking fresh peaches right from your own backyard! So, let’s mosey on down to the orchard and rustle up some peachy keen ideas that’ll make… Read more: Peach Recipes: A Podunk Roundup of Delicious Ideas
- How to Make Wine at Home: The Ultimate Guide to Homemade Moonshine from Fruit!How to make wine at home isn’t rocket science, folks. It’s more like turning water into wine, except you’re using fruit and a whole lot of patience. Let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like sipping on your own homemade hooch after a long day of wrasslin’ hogs or fixing that dang tractor for the umpteenth time. And speaking of fixin’ things, if you’re itchin’ to get your homestead as organized as a squirrel’s nut stash, keep an eye out for our upcoming Podunk Pantry Planner App. It’ll help you track your wine-making supplies faster than you can say “fermentation”!… Read more: How to Make Wine at Home: The Ultimate Guide to Homemade Moonshine from Fruit!
- The Ultimate Home Maintenance ChecklistHome Maintenance: Your Guide to Keeping Your Castle from Crumbling Proper home maintenance isn’t just for neat freaks and HGTV addicts. It’s the secret sauce to keeping your castle from turning into a crumbling money pit. Welcome to the no-nonsense, BS-free home maintenance checklist, where we’re about to dive headfirst into the thrilling world of adulting. So, strap on your tool belt, channel your inner Bob Vila, and prevent your cozy castle from turning into a money pit! And while you’re at it, why not learn how to make your own wine at home? It’s a great way to unwind… Read more: The Ultimate Home Maintenance Checklist
- Venison Recipes: Tame Your Venison Wild Side!Delicious Venison Recipes: Taming the Wild Game Beast in Your Kitchen Today we’re going to wrangle some venison recipes that’ll turn your kitchen into a Midwestern flavor fest. Whether you’ve got a freezer full of Bambi from your last hunting trip (and if you need help planning your next one, check out our comprehensive hunting checklist), or you’re just curious about this lean, mean, protein machine, we’ll guide you through taming the wild world of cooking wild game. And if you’re looking to pair your venison with some homemade spirits, our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home is the… Read more: Venison Recipes: Tame Your Venison Wild Side!
- The Ultimate Hunting Checklist: Procrastination Prevention for Your Next HuntWhy a Hunting Checklist Is the Key to Legendary Hunter’s Tales This hunting checklist is your guide to the wild world of hunting, where your backyard BBQ dreams collide with the great outdoors! Are you tired of shelling out your hard-earned cash for meat that tastes like it was raised on a diet of cardboard and disappointment? Ready to trade in your grocery store loyalty card for a set of antlers on the wall? Game hunting can fill your freezer while forging a deeper connection with nature, passing down traditions, and bonding with family and friends over campfire stories. Strap… Read more: The Ultimate Hunting Checklist: Procrastination Prevention for Your Next Hunt
- Ground Venison RecipesSimple Ground Venison Recipes Alright folks, it’s time to unleash your inner wild game in the kitchen tonight! We’ve got our sights on some ground venison recipes that’ll have you wondering why you ever settled for store-bought meat. Whether you’ve got a freezer full of venison from last season’s hunt (and if you’re gearing up for your next hunting adventure, don’t forget to check out our comprehensive hunting checklist), or you’re a curious foodie ready to step outside your culinary comfort zone, you’re in the right place. Ground venison is not just any meat; it’s the lean, mean, nutrient machine that’s… Read more: Ground Venison Recipes
- Dirt Cheap Eats: 7 Steps to Your Garden Plot RevolutionGarden plot revolution time, folks! Are you tired of paying through the nose for vegetables that taste like the plastic they’re wrapped in? Ready to tell those corporate food overlords to shove their sh*t foods where the sun don’t shine? (And while you’re at it, why not make your own homemade wine to pair with your fresh produce? Check out our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home!) Well, time for some big boy boots, because we’re about to turn your sad, patch ‘o lawn into a food-producing, garden plot paradise that’ll make your neighbors think you’ve gone… Read more: Dirt Cheap Eats: 7 Steps to Your Garden Plot Revolution
- Corn CookiesCornmeal Cookies Today, we’re breaking baking boundaries, by turning honey cornbread into Corn Cookies! Witness the sweet revolution as honey cornbread undergoes a metamorphosis into soft, chewy cookies that will have you questioning how a vegetable cookie can be so delicious. Made with cornmeal, a corn cookie is a delightful fusion of savory and sweet flavors that defy conventional baking norms. Let’s break those baking boundaries one crumbly, corny bite at a time! Sweet Corn Cookies Why should you give this recipe a whirl, you ask? Well for starters, we Midwesterners have mastered the art of turning everything – and… Read more: Corn Cookies
- Canned CornCanned Corn Recipes This Canned Corn Recipe will have you corn-templating a career as a corn star! We welcome you to the world of canning, where your gardening skills will shine brighter than a Hollywood premiere. Our canned corn recipe will roll out the red carpet to your pantry, turning it into the VIP section of vegetable preservation. It’s not just canning; it’s a cinematic cornucopia – let the corny stardom begin! Canning Corn Hold onto your taste buds, because canning your own corn will revolutionize your culinary world. Why will you love it? Canned corn isn’t just a recipe;… Read more: Canned Corn
- Rhubarb Coffee CakeRhubarb Coffee Cake Recipe Flip the vegetable world over with our Rebellious Rhubarb Cake Recipe! We’re taking this vegetable from the savory sidelines straight to the sugary spotlight. Who said vegetables can’t have a sweet side hustle? Prepare for a dessert so daring, even your zucchinis will be green with envy. It’s time to let rhubarb be the candy crush of your dessert dreams! From Garden to Glory: A Recipe for Rhubarb Coffee Cake For those who envision a garden as more than a mere display of pretty flowers, this rhubarb-inspired cake recipe serves as your ticket to a horticultural… Read more: Rhubarb Coffee Cake
- Peach CookiesPeach Cookies Recipe This peach cookies recipe comes to you from the princess of peaches, of Mushroom Kingdom! In the land where sugar plum fairies gossip with mischievous gingerbread Toads, and the aroma of freshly baked cookies floats through the air with magic blocks, we’ll embark on a royal escapade. Princess Peach dons a chef’s hat and commands her loyal subjects to whip up the most regal cookies in the Grassland World. These cookies are so delightful; they might just convince Bowser to trade in his fire-breathing tendencies for a sweet tooth. Get ready for a cookie quest that’ll leave… Read more: Peach Cookies
- Peach Syrup Recipe: A Podunk Peachy Keen DelightPeach Syrup Recipe: The Nectar of Podunk This ain’t your grandma’s peach syrup recipe – unless your grandma was a culinary genius with a wicked sense of humor. Here in Podunk, we take our peaches seriously, but our syrup-making? That’s where the fun begins! And if you’re itchin’ for more peachy ideas that’ll knock your socks off faster than a raccoon raiding a trash can, check out our Peach Recipes roundup. It’s got more peach flavor ideas than a squirrel’s got nuts! A few years back, I was standing in my backyard, eyeballin’ our newly planted peach tree. It was about as… Read more: Peach Syrup Recipe: A Podunk Peachy Keen Delight
- Blackberry SyrupBlackberry Syrup Recipe Get ready to embark on a rugged foraging expedition, harvesting wild blackberries to make blackberry syrup! Forget convenience; let’s make syrup-making an extreme sport, risking encounters with prickly bushes and feisty insects. Once you’ve survived the jungle, you can spend hours in the kitchen transforming these wild edibles into liquid gold. Get ready to redefine your understanding of practicality and embrace the wild side of breakfast condiments! Recipe for Blackberry Syrup Blackberry syrup is the versatile elixir that will revolutionize your culinary world! Forget about its basic applications like drizzling on pancakes or adding a splash to… Read more: Blackberry Syrup
- Goat HouseDIY Goat House for Winter Spoil your goats next winter by building a safe, sturdy, and insulated goat house! Our shelter design not only pampers our doe divas, this goathouse stores hay in a convenient location for feeding, and includes an indoor hay feeder that significantly reduces the amount of hay the goats waste. The best part about our DIY goat shelter design is that it won’t break the bank. Plus, while you’re at it, don’t forget to check out our Ultimate Home Maintenance Checklist to keep everything running smoothly around your homestead! Goat Barn Building Plans Construct the floor… Read more: Goat House
- Raspberry WineRaspberry Wine Recipe The elusive raspberry wine recipe – a secret elixir for gardeners who’ve mastered the art of taming those thorny little troublemakers who pretend to be a gift from your garden but secretly conspire to take over the world! If you’ve ever found yourself in a never-ending battle with these prolific berries, fret not, dear green-thumbed warriors, for I’ve got a solution that will not only conquer your raspberry jungle but also let you drown your gardening sorrows in a glass of delightful homemade raspberry wine. So, grab your gardening gloves and your harvest basket, because it’s time… Read more: Raspberry Wine
- Strawberry Muffin RecipeHomemade Strawberry Muffin Recipe This strawberry muffin recipe is amazing because nothing’s better than plucking those ripe, ruby-red, delicious strawberry gems from your own backyard and turning them into a sassy strawberry muffin! Homegrown strawberries are much more delicious than store-bought (and lack those poisonous pesticides), and will make this muffins recipe an irresistible breakfast delight! (Brunch, anyone?) Healthy Strawberry Muffins Fresh strawberries have plenty of nutritional benefits, and you can learn more about them in this article. With this muffin recipe, you can enjoy the exhilarating experience of biting into what looks like a decadent pastry, only to realize… Read more: Strawberry Muffin Recipe
- Strawberry CookieStrawberry Cookies Recipe: With Real Strawberries The invention of the strawberry cookie is sheer genius. They took one of the most beloved fruits on the planet, and made it better by mixing it with butter and sugar! Unleashing the natural, juicy goodness of ripe fresh strawberries, but locking it up in a little floury prison. So, bask in the glory of these wondrous strawberry cookies, the perfection of human creativity in the kingdom of desserts! Better than Grandma’s Strawberry Cookies Of course, strawberry cookies made with fresh strawberries from your own garden will taste far superior than Grandma’s strawberry-flavored gelatin… Read more: Strawberry Cookie
- Dandelion Recipes: From Pesky Weed to Podunk DelicacyDandy Dandelion Recipes That’s right, folks – we’re talkin’ dandelion recipes that’ll revolutionize your kitchen, transforming those pesky yellow lawn invaders into culinary gold. Who’d have thunk that those sunny little troublemakers could be the secret ingredient to some downright delicious grub? Did you know studies rank dandelion greens as one of the top 41 most nutritious foods? That’s right, these aren’t just weeds – they’re nature’s multivitamin! Dandelion Quick Facts: Are you’re itching to learn more about turning your backyard into a veggie paradise (dandelions included)? why don’t you mosey on over to our Garden Plot Revolution guide! It’s chock-full… Read more: Dandelion Recipes: From Pesky Weed to Podunk Delicacy
- Dandelion Root Coffee: Your Podunk Brew for a Healthier YouDandelion Root Coffee: The Podunk Secret to a Healthy Buzz Ditch those unicorn frappuccinos! We’re going back to basics with Dandelion Root Coffee, a brew so down-to-earth, you’ll be digging it! Because in Podunk, we don’t need Starbucks. We got dandelions and grit! Craving more wild goodness? Mosey on over to our Dandelion Recipes list for the full dandelion lowdown! A Podunk Journey to Dandelion Root Coffee Now, I ain’t gonna lie. I’m a die-hard, jet-fuel coffee drinking kinda Podunker. I turn my morning brew into a health tea concoction. Honey, flax, mushrooms, whey, it all goes in to help me… Read more: Dandelion Root Coffee: Your Podunk Brew for a Healthier You
- Dandelion Jelly RecipeDandelion Jelly: From Weed to OMG-Delicious! Ever tried a dandelion jelly recipe that turns pesky dandelions into pure gold? No? Well, let me introduce you to my grandpa—king of turning yard scraps into wonders. This recipe is so easy, even your city-slicker cousin could make it! It’s a nod to his hillbilly genius and a reminder that sometimes the best things in life are right under our noses (or growing between sidewalk cracks). Podunk Pot of Gold: Hillbilly Grandpa’s Gourmet Treats My grandpa’s about as hillbilly as they come—flannel shirts year-round, suspenders holding up pants older than I am, and a knack for… Read more: Dandelion Jelly Recipe
- Fried Dandelions Recipe: Turn Backyard Weeds Into Crispy Dandelion Delights!Crispy Fried Dandelions Ready to turn those pesky lawn invaders into a fried dandelion delicacy? This ain’t your grandma’s garden club recipe (unless your grandma was a badass forager!). Get ready for a surprisingly tasty adventure that’ll have you laughing all the way to the frying pan. Craving more crazy-good recipes? Check out our Dandelion Recipes list. How I Discovered Fried Dandelions (and Fell in Love) Now, I ain’t gonna lie, the first time I heard about fried dandelions, I thought someone had been hitting the homemade shine a little too hard. I mean, dandelions? Those yellow bastards that try to take over my yard every spring?… Read more: Fried Dandelions Recipe: Turn Backyard Weeds Into Crispy Dandelion Delights!
- Pheasant TacosPheasant Taco Recipe Be the “taco the town” after sharing this pheasant taco recipe! Pheasant tacos are a great way to enjoy your pheasant harvest. Shredded Pheasant Tacos Cooking a whole pheasant with the bone is incredibly healthy, and the pressure cooker makes the pheasant extremely easy to shred… it falls right off the bone! Ingredients Needed for Homemade Pheasant Tacos Equipment Needed to Cook this Wild Pheasant Taco Recipe How to Make Pheasant Tacos This recipe makes about 2 pounds of taco meat, which feeds a family of 5 (about 10 tacos). This recipe also makes great leftovers, just… Read more: Pheasant Tacos
- Venison Sloppy JoesGround Venison Sloppy Joes Recipe Since we’re using deer meat, we’ll call this recipe “Sloppy Does”. This ground venison sloppy joes recipe is made with a handful of ingredients, and is great for when your dinner plans are stuck in a rut. Another i-deer, use Hawaiian buns to add a bit more flavor to the sandwiches. Old Fashioned Sloppy Joes Recipe (from scratch) You’ll never go back to Manwhich again, once you taste how great this recipe is (and see how easy it is to make). Defrosting and cooking the ground deer meat takes most of the time, so allow… Read more: Venison Sloppy Joes
- Strawberry Rhubarb JamStrawberry Rhubarb Jam Recipe Strawberries and rhubarb jam together like rhythm and blues. The sweetness of the strawberries provides a harmonious balance to the tartness of the rhubarb, and the punch of rhubarb adds a flavorful forte to the jam ensemble. The combination of the flavors is absolutely amazing! Easy Strawberry Rhubarb Jam Recipe Laziness is my specialty, so if there’s an easier way to do things… I will find it, and share it with you! Strawberries and rhubarb are some of the easiest plants to garden, because they are perennial plants that are hard to kill (once they have… Read more: Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
- Delicious Pheasant Recipes: Your Ultimate Guide to Gourmet Game CookingPheasant Recipes: Tame Your Wild Side with These Finger-Lickin’ Dishes Welcome you backwoods gourmets and culinary daredevils! We’re about to dive beak-first into the world of pheasant recipes that’ll make your taste buds do the chicken dance. Whether you’ve bagged a brace of birds or sweet-talked your hunter buddy into sharing their stash, we’ve got the lowdown on turning those feathered friends into meals so good, you’ll swear off chicken nuggets forever. Explore our variety of pheasant recipes, perfect for any occasion. Before we dive into the nutritional details, make sure you’re prepared for your next pheasant hunt! Check out… Read more: Delicious Pheasant Recipes: Your Ultimate Guide to Gourmet Game Cooking
- Roasted PheasantRoasted Pheasant Recipe Have you tried to cook pheasant, but it turned out a little fowl? Try this simple roasted pheasant recipe, it’s a wild game changer! You can season it with fresh herbs from your garden…. if you have the thyme. How to Make Roasted Pheasant This recipe makes enough to feed 4-6 people in a 6 quart Instant Pot. You could use the 1.5x box to feed 6-8 in an 8 quart Instant Pot, or the 0.5x box to feed 2-4 in a 3 quart Instant Pot. Simple Roasted Pheasant Recipe Do you enjoy pheasant hunting, but haven’t… Read more: Roasted Pheasant
- Pheasant SoupHomemade Pheasant Noodle Soup This delicious homemade pheasant soup will warm your soul. This old-fashioned pheasant noodle soup partners well with homemade dinner rolls, and is one of the most comforting comfort foods you’ll ever eat. Curious about the health benefits of wild pheasant? Check out our Pheasant Recipe Guide to learn why this game bird is a nutritious choice for your table. Instant Pot Pheasant Soup Recipe This is a dump-and-go pheasant noodle soup recipe, allowing you to prep the instant pot in the morning and come home to dinner almost ready (you’ll just need to boil the noodles… Read more: Pheasant Soup
- Pear Recipes for Pears SeasonThe Best Pear Recipes for Pears Season August is the time when pears are ready for harvest. If you have a mature pear tree, you probably have so many pears that you’re not sure what to do with all of them. Pears are always good as a dessert dish, or served well with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. We have some delicious but uncommon pear recipes that will use up your bountiful harvest of pears (including cocktails recipe that doesn’t require peeling or slicing). This article has the best pear recipes, the health benefits of pears, and a guide… Read more: Pear Recipes for Pears Season
- Blackberry CookiesThe Best Blackberry Cookies Recipe There’s nothing quite like the aroma and taste of homemade blackberry cookies. And yes, you can make them too – no baking pro skills are needed! Not only are cookies the most popular homemade dessert, they are also healthier than anything you would find in the store. Plus, they make the perfect grab-and-go treat. So why not give them a try? I guarantee you won’t regret it – these blackberry cookies are sure to become your go-to blackberry recipe. Easy Blackberry Cookie Recipe Fresh-baked cookies make any kitchen feel like home. From the moment the… Read more: Blackberry Cookies
- Pear CookiesThe Best Pear Cookie You’ve probably never thought about making pear cookies before, but I guarantee that once you try them, they will become your go-to pear recipe! Cookies are the most popular homemade dessert. They are easy to make, healthier than store-bought, and are a convenient grab-and-go dessert. Easy Pear Cookie Recipe Baking your own cookies will fill your kitchen with a delectable aroma. The smell of freshly baked cookies is so welcoming and comforting, that real estate agents will put out a spread of cookies to help sell houses. Old Fashioned Pear Cookie Ingredients Equipment Needed to Make… Read more: Pear Cookies
- Pear MuffinsPear Muffins Recipe This pear muffin recipe creates the perfect, delicate, airy muffin with a slightly crunchy sugar crust topping. The delicious contrast in texture will make this your favorite muffin recipe. Easy Pear Recipes The secret to baking the best pear muffins is to use real butter (not oil) and milk. Butter gives off a better flavor when compared to oil, while milk creates a lighter muffin when compared to using sour cream, yogurt, and buttermilk. Homemade Pear Muffin Ingredients Equipment Needed to Make Pear Muffins How to Make Homemade Pear Muffins This recipe makes 12 delicious pear muffins.… Read more: Pear Muffins
- Canned PearsCanning Pears Recipe Canning pears in a light syrup is a great way to preserve your pear harvest. Enjoy eating your canned pears later as a side dish, in oatmeal, or use them to make pear muffins, pear cookies, or pear cobbler. Ingredients Needed for Canning Pears Equipment Needed for Canned Pears This list includes Amazon affiliate links, and will open in a new tab. How to Water Bath Can Pears This canned pear recipe makes about 12 half-pint jars. Use the 2x to make 12 pint jars (or 9 pints and 6 half pints), or the 3x to make… Read more: Canned Pears
- Strawberry Jam RecipeThe Best Strawberry Jam Recipe Ever Strawberry jam is a great way to preserve strawberries from the garden to enjoy later. Strawberry jam tastes great on toast, on pancakes, in cookies, in oatmeal, and more. How to Make Strawberry Jam Strawberries are not high in natural pectin, so it will take more sugar to thicken the jam. You can add pectin to reduce the amount of sugar in the jam. Depending on the varieties of your strawberry plants, you may not have enough strawberries to enjoy and make jam in a single harvest (especially the first year of harvest). Strawberries… Read more: Strawberry Jam Recipe
- Strawberry Season: Your Ultimate Guide to Growing Nature’s Candy (Strawberries!)Are you ready for strawberry season, fellow Podunkers? Hold onto your overalls, ’cause we’re about to trade in those bland, pesticide-covered store-bought berries for some homegrown goodness that’ll knock your socks off faster than a tornado in a trailer park! Imagine yourself lounging in your backyard, plucking nature’s candy right off the vine, tasting sweeter than Grandma’s pie and twice as satisfying. No more breakin’ the bank for a measly pint of sad supermarket strawberries. And let me tell you, once you’ve tasted a sun-warmed strawberry fresh from your patch, you’ll wonder why you ever bothered with those store-bought imposters.… Read more: Strawberry Season: Your Ultimate Guide to Growing Nature’s Candy (Strawberries!)
- RhubarbRhubarb Benefits Rhubarb has been used as a traditional medicine for over 2,000 years. Historically, rhubarb consumption is used to treat constipation, inflammation, viral infections, diabetes, and tumors. The main pharmacological ingredient is emodin, and the main source of consumption of it is from eating rhubarb. The roots and rhizomes of rhubarb contain about 2.31 mg/g of emodin. Emodin has been studied extensively in recent years, because of the health effects on gut health, anti-bacterial and anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrosis, anti-cancer, and anti-allergy. Health Benefits of Rhubarb Common Pesticides Applied to the Rhubarb Plant Rhubarb Season You can enjoy fresh a fresh rhubarb… Read more: Rhubarb
- Rhubarb MuffinsPerfect Rhubarb Muffins This recipe creates the perfect, delicate, airy muffin with a slightly crunchy sugar crust topping. The delicious contrast in texture will make this your favorite muffin recipe. The Best Rhubarb Muffins Recipe The secret to baking the best muffins is to use real butter (not oil) and milk. Butter gives off a better flavor when compared to oil, while milk creates a lighter muffin when compared to using sour cream, yogurt, and buttermilk. Homemade Rhubarb Muffin Ingredients Equipment Needed to Make Rhubarb Muffins How to Make Homemade Rhubarb Muffins This recipe makes 12 delicious rhubarb muffins. To… Read more: Rhubarb Muffins
- Rhubarb Jam RecipeOld Fashioned Rhubarb Jam Recipe Rhubarb jam is a great way to preserve rhubarb from the garden to enjoy later. Rhubarb jam tastes great on toast, on pancakes, in cookies, in oatmeal, and more. How to Make the Best Rhubarb Jam Rhubarb is not high in natural pectin, so it will take more sugar to thicken the jam. You can add pectin to reduce the amount of sugar in the jam. Rhubarb tastes best when harvested in early summer. You can still use rhubarb harvested in late summer, however, the taste will be subpar as it goes to seed. Slow… Read more: Rhubarb Jam Recipe
- Rhubarb Wine RecipeSimple Rhubarb Wine Recipe Homemade rhubarb wine is easy to make, and takes only a few ingredients. While many people do not like raw rhubarb, it tastes much better cooked into a dessert or dish. Rhubarb wine is a sweet wine that tastes similar to rosé wine. If you’re new to the world of homemade wine, don’t miss our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home, which will walk you through every step of the fermentation process. Whether you’re a seasoned home brewer or a curious beginner, this rhubarb wine recipe is your ticket to transforming that garden… Read more: Rhubarb Wine Recipe
- Tomato Wine RecipeEasy Tomato Wine Recipe Did you know that you can make wine out of tomatoes? Tomato wine is a great way to utilize an over-abundant tomato garden! Just set it, and forget it, and you’ll enjoy a fermented adult beverage around New Year’s. If you’re new to this winemaking adventure, be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home, where you’ll find all the tips and tricks you need to turn your garden’s bounty into delicious homemade hooch! Tomato Wine Pairing Tomato wine pairs well with spicy dishes like chili or tacos. The sweetness… Read more: Tomato Wine Recipe
- Watermelon Moonshine RecipeEasy Watermelon Moonshine Recipe Ferment your own shine with our watermelon moonshine recipe using just a few ingredients. Old fashioned watermelon moonshine is a light tasting alcoholic beverage, preserving the juicy flavor of watermelon. It’s like summer in a bottle! If you’re new to the art of winemaking, don’t worry—check out our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home for all the tips you need to turn your kitchen into a mini distillery. Now, let’s dive into this refreshing recipe that will have you sipping summer all year round! Watermelon Wine Shine Making moonshine out of watermelons requires… Read more: Watermelon Moonshine Recipe
- Best Cranberry Wine RecipeThis perfect Cranberry Wine Recipe is like turning a tart harvest into liquid gold! Are you drowning in cranberries and wondering what magical concoction you can create? This recipe transforms those ruby-red berries into a sophisticated adult beverage that’ll make your friends green with envy. If you’re new to the world of home winemaking and want to master the art, check out our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home. Get ready to embark on a cranberry wine adventure that’ll have you sipping pure Podunk pride! Cranberry Wine Benefits Alcohol Content of Cranberry Wine This homemade cranberry wine… Read more: Best Cranberry Wine Recipe
- Best Dandelion Wine Recipe: Podunk’s Liquid SunshineThis dandelion wine recipe is gonna surprise you more than a Midwest summer thunderstorm. Let me tell ya, folks, this batch of sunshine isn’t just any ol’ hooch. It’s a Podunk specialty that’ll have you feeling like you’re sittin’ pretty on cloud nine. So here I am, about to share with you the most rewarding adventure in homemade hooch you’ll ever embark on – the legendary Dandelion Wine Recipe. Dandelion Wine Quick Facts: For more delightful ways to use these sunny weeds, check out our Dandelion Recipes collection. And if you’re itchin’ to dive deeper into the world of homebrewin’, don’t miss… Read more: Best Dandelion Wine Recipe: Podunk’s Liquid Sunshine
- Stone Basement Repair and WaterproofingFixing Our Leaky Old Stone Basement Our kids are getting older, and we decided it was time to fix up the basement and build a hangout spot for them. In order to fix up the old stone basement, we had to fix the limestone foundation walls that were allowing rain to enter the basement. We would get about 20 gallons of water in the basement with heavy rainfalls, about 3-4 times per year. (We already replaced the gutters a few years back, which reduced the amount of water in the basement from about 40 gallons of water monthly.) It was… Read more: Stone Basement Repair and Waterproofing
- Best Hunter’s Pie (Venison Shepherd’s Pie)Are your dinner plans stuck in a rut? Try this Venison Shepherd’s Pie recipe (also known as Hunter’s Pie). The start of deer archery season coincides with the fall vegetable harvest, making this recipe great to utilize all harvest types. No luck this deer or elk season? Use ground beef instead of ground venison, and make what is known as Cottage Pie. Venison Shepherd’s Pie Recipe Ingredients Hunter’s Pie Equipment How to Make Shepherd’s Pie Sources:
- Pumpkin Pie Moonshine RecipeAll the goodness and rich flavor of pumpkin pie, fermented down into an amazing fall adult beverage. Homemade pumpkin moonshine makes great gifts for weddings, adult birthdays, and holidays. This pumpkin pie moonshine is extremely easy to make. In fact, the hardest part of making pumpkin spice moonshine, is waiting for it to ferment. If you’re new to the world of homemade spirits, check out our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home to master the art of turning seasonal flavors into delightful adult beverages! Health Benefits of Pumpkin Studies have shown that pumpkin is beneficial to health… Read more: Pumpkin Pie Moonshine Recipe
- Beef Lumpia RecipeOne of the Best Lumpia Recipes Ever Here is one of the best, easy beef lumpia recipes I’ve found. I actually use ground venison instead of beef, but the recipe could be used for either without alterations. (I’m fortunate enough to be able to hunt deer in the corn belt, so the deer I eat has less of a gamey taste than those that I’ve hunted in the mountains.) Lumpia makes great leftovers (or snacks), that you can warm in the air fryer or microwave. Just pack a paper towel around the lumpia roll in the container when warming them… Read more: Beef Lumpia Recipe
- DIY Heated Garage Floor (Hydronic Floor Heat)Heated Garage Floor for Fixing Things The secret to living in Podunk USA is being able to fix just about anything. In order to fix things, you’ll need tools. In order to find your tools when you need them, you’ll need a garage or shop. When things break in the winter, fixing them in a heated shop is better than in outside in cold, frigid temperatures. And speaking of fixing things, having our Ultimate Home Maintenance Checklist handy in your shop can make you the go-to DIY guru of Podunk, ready to tackle any repair that comes your way! Heating… Read more: DIY Heated Garage Floor (Hydronic Floor Heat)
- Cherry Moonshine RecipeDo you have a cherry tree or two? This homemade cherry pie moonshine recipe requires only a few simple ingredients and a little patience to wait for fermentation. This recipe can also make cherry wine (with or without adding grapes)! If you’re new to the world of homemade spirits, check out our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home to master the art of turning your backyard harvest into a delightful adult beverage! Health Benefits of Cherries Consumption of cherries may reduce the risk of several chronic inflammatory diseases including, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. There are… Read more: Cherry Moonshine Recipe
- Strawberry MoonshineStrawberry Moonshine Recipe Boost your immune system while stumbling down the path of delightful inebriation with our homemade Strawberry Moonshine Recipe! We’ve managed to fuse the wholesome goodness of strawberries with the rebellious spirit of moonshine, a match so good they wrote a song about it. A harmonious transition from farm to cup, we’ll guide you through the homebrewing process. If you’re new to crafting your own spirits, be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home. Cheers to sipping your way into a world where antioxidants and hooch coexist! Homemade Strawberry Moonshine Our… Read more: Strawberry Moonshine