Homemade Mulberry Wine Recipe
Welcome to the realm of Mulberry Mischief, where your backyard becomes a chaotic playground for making Mulberry Wine. If you’re the proud owner of a mulberry tree, congratulations – you’ve unwittingly signed up for a fruity adventure that makes every stroll through your garden feel like navigating a berry minefield. This recipe demands just a handful of ingredients, a pinch of daring, and a willingness to embrace the unpredictable journey from mulberry madness to fermented excellence. If you’re new to the world of winemaking, check out our Ultimate Guide on How to Make Wine at Home. Make your berry-catching nets, and get ready for a sip of Mulberry Mischief – where every bottle tells a tale of backyard rebellion and fermented folly.
Harvesting Mulberries
Harvesting mulberries can be done by picking the berries by hand, or laying cheap bedsheets down and shaking the tree. The ripe mulberries will fall onto the sheets for easier collection. Depending on the size of your tree, you can add some mischief by roping the tree to your truck to shake it. (A great way to add some redneck to the world of mulberry vineyards.) Mischievous mulberry trees will produce a crop with a harvest season from June to August. (Now that is potential for a lot of mischief.) If your mulberries are playing hard to get, you can store small mulberry harvests in the freezer until enough is gathered for brewing moonshine. (Mulberries have a very short shelf-life.)
Mulberry Moonshine Ingredients:
- 1.5 pounds of mulberries (about 5 cups)
- 1.5 pounds of honey (about 2 cups)
- 0.5 pounds of raisins (about 1.5 cups)
- 1 gallon of water
Wine Making Equipment
There is no need to purchase expensive an wine making kit for mulberry wine brewing, when all you need is a few pieces of wine equipment: (This list includes Amazon affiliate links.)
- 1 gallon primary fermenter with an airlock lid or 5-gallon primary fermenter with an airlock lid
- 1 gallon carboy or 5 gallon carboy
- Siphon
- Flip top bottles (not needed until after 5-6 weeks of fermenting)
How to Make Mulberry Wine
This recipe defaults to make 1 gallon of mulberry wine. You can click the 5x for the 5 gallon mulberry wine recipe. Make sure to use fresh mulberry fruit from the tree, when making your wines! Store-bought fruit has preservatives, which will prevent the fruit wine from fermenting.

Mulberry Moonshine
- 1½ pounds mulberries ((about 5 cups))
- 1½ pounds honey ((about 2 cups))
- ½ pound raisins ((about 1½ cups))
- 1 gallon water
- Clean and sanitize everything before starting.
- Heat ½ gallon of water over low heat. When it starts to steam, but before it boils, turn off the heat and add the honey. Stir until the honey dissolves into the water. Let cool.1 gallon water, 1½ pounds honey
- Add mulberries and raisins into the 1 gallon carboy.1½ pounds mulberries, ½ pound raisins
- After diluted honey has cooled to less than 90°F, pour into carboy.1 gallon water, 1½ pounds honey
- Top the carboy off with cold water, making sure to leave at least 2 inches of headspace. Shake gently.1 gallon water
- Airlock the carboy (make sure to add water to the airlock), and store in a cool and dark place. It should start bubbling within 12-24 hours.
- After 4-6 weeks, the bubbles should stop, and the siphon can be used to bottle the moonshine. Bottle into flip top bottles (that are clean and sanitized), being careful to not siphon any sediment. Let the bottled moonshine age for at least 2 months.
- Enjoy!
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Optional Mulberry Fruit Wine Ingredients
- Adding yeast to the recipe can jump-start the fermentation process, yielding homemade moonshine in fewer months. If you are using home-grown mulberries (not store-bought), adding yeast is not necessary because of the natural yeast found on the surface of the mulberry. Store-bought berries are loaded with preservatives and chemicals that prevent the fermentation process, giving the berries a longer shelf-life. Adding yeast will be necessary when using store-bought berries.
- Raisins will add body to the mulberry wine, meaning that they increase the viscosity of the black mulberry brandy. This also allows the flavors to linger in the mouth longer, and also gives off a slight caramel taste. Adding raisins may also increase the sweetness of the drink (great for dessert alcohol).
- Tannin can be added to increase the bitterness and dryness taste of the moonshine or wine. A natural source of tannin includes green oak leaves and grape leaves.
- Pectin can also be added to thicken the mulberry schnapps, however wild mulberries contain a lot of pectin naturally and adding additional pectin is not necessary.
Great recipe!
I’m making my first batch of wine, and using Mulberries from the tree in our backyard. I got everything going friday, and saturday added the yeast. My SG reading was at 1.100 which is what I wanted. But It’s now Almost 36 hours into fermentation and my SG is at 1.095. Is this normal for the SG to fall so slowly??
If the must is warmer than the room, all by itself, that’s a good sign. You should be good, with some patience.
Great recipe! Saving this so we can try it next year!
My grandma used to make mulberry jam, but moonshine sounds better!
Can you use frozen fruit?
Absolutely! Mulberries have a shelf life of a couple of days, so if you have trouble harvesting enough for a batch, put them in an airtight container and freeze them until the tree produces enough berries.
What a clever way to use mulberries! I have a bunch of wild trees, and can’t wait to enjoy some moonshine next year. Saving this recipe.
My grandpa used to make mulberry wine. Thank you for sharing this recipe, can’t wait to try it.
easy looking recipe
Great recipe
Unique idea, will have to try.
Mulberries grow wild on my parents’ property. I’m going to try this recipe next summer.
The best way to use mulberries!
sounds awesome
Well crap, I just removed a mulberry tree!
Do you have any other mulberry recipes?
We will be posting more soon 🙂
No yeast is used in this recipe?
Yeast is not needed if using mulberries without preservatives. (The only way to be 100% sure of this is to use your own mulberries.) If you are using purchased mulberries, I would add yeast, just to be cautious. Natural yeast can be killed if the mulberries are cleaned or sprayed with citric acid or lemon juice. If the natural yeast is killed, then adding yeast is necessary.